Australian PORTRAIT & commercial PHOTOGRAPHER


Family photography should never be cliché.

Families are unique (born or chosen!).

We have our own way of relating and being together. It’s shifting, it’s dynamic and it’s the most valuable thing in this world.

Being able to drop into our unique family space is not always easy. There are niggles, there’s complaining, there’s someone wanting to do something else… habitual phone checking from us or media play by the kids.

Spending time together is unbelievably underrated.

Connection. It’s our true currency. It’s invigorating!

Through custom family photography sessions, I offer a space to connect, with a focus on it being stress-free.

Apart from getting dressed (with no one unhappy about what they’re wearing!), bringing some water and little snacks if the kids need, all you have to do is show up.

We hang out. Explore a new park or urban area. Maybe even just be in the home. I will keep everyone moving, together. Tantrums don’t bother me and there will be no expectations or judgements whatsoever.

The most beautiful photos will happen and they will be all you.

Not an instagram-worthy golden moment that screams idealism and paid-content, but something with value you just can’t get from anywhere or anyone else: 

your amazing, unique family.

And the best bit is, you get gorgeous photos to remind you of it, everyday.

Katie x


Let the Kids Dress Themselves is dedicated to awesome family photography around the world!  You can see one of my family sessions featured on their website (below). 

I also shared about my technique of photographing family love with them here



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